EN.601.453/653 Applications of Augmented Reality

Course website for Applications of Augmented Reality at the Johns Hopkins University

Office Hours

Day Time Location
Tuesdays 15:00 to 17:00 Maryland 310
Wednesdays 10:00 to 12:00 Hackerman 320
Thursdays 15:00 to 17:00 Maryland 310

Semester Schedule

Item Date Content Slides Assignment Add'l Materials
Lecture 0 01/24 (Tue) Course Logistics Slides
Lecture 1 01/26 (Thu) Project Proposals Proposals
Lecture 2 01/31 (Tue) Visual Perception and Augmented Reality Slides
Lecture 3 02/02 (Thu) Other Modalities of Augmented Reality Slides
Lecture 4 02/07 (Tue) User-Centered Design Slides
Lecture 5 02/09 (Thu) Fast Prototyping for Augmented Reality
Lecture 6 02/14 (Tue) Project Development –Prototyping
Lecture 7 02/16 (Thu) Project Development –Prototyping
Lecture 8 02/21 (Tue) Kickoff Presentation
Lecture 9 02/23 (Thu) Institutional Review Boards
Lecture 10 02/28 (Tue) Project Development –IRBs
Lecture 11 03/02 (Thu) Project Development –IRBs
Lecture 12 03/07 (Tue) Data Collection
Lecture 13 03/09 (Thu) Project Development –Experimental Setup
Lecture 14 03/14 (Tue) Project Development –Data Collection
Lecture 15 03/16 (Thu) Project Development –Data Collection
Spring Break 03/21 (Tue) Spring Break
Spring Break 03/23 (Thu) Spring Break
Lecture 16 03/28 (Tue) Statistical Tests
Lecture 17 03/30 (Thu) Statistical Tests
Project Development 04/04 (Tue) Project Development
Project Development 04/06 (Thu) Project Development
Intermediate Presentation 04/11 (Tue) Intermediate Presentation
Lecture 18 04/13 (Thu) Preparation of Scientific Manuscripts
Project Development 04/18 (Tue) Project Development
Project Development 04/20 (Thu) Project Development
Project Development 04/25 (Tue) Project Development
Project Development 04/27 (Thu) Project Development
Reading Days 05/02 (Tue) Reading Days
Reading Days 05/04 (Thu) Reading Days
Demo Preparation 05/09 (Tue) Demo Preparation
Final Report and Demo Presentation 05/11 (Thu) Final Report and Demo Presentation

Latest Posts

Today's Office Hour (02/08/2023)

Today’s office hour will be hosted at Hackerman 320

Office Hours. The Ultimate Schedule. Final_final_thisisthefinal_version3_revised

Based on the student votes and room availability, we have a final schedule for the office hours: